Preparing the Essentials For a Preschool Homeschool
So, you've decided your going to home school right from the beginning! But, what do you need? Where do you start? Well, to be honest, every homeschooler will say something a bit different when answering these questions. But, at the same time, there are some common ideas that many families agree were essential homeschooling supplies when they were at the preschool homeschool stage.
Books, Books, And More Books
Easy access to books helps develop a love of reading and is truly an essential of any preschool homeschool. If you haven't already, start creating your own home library and keep all the books within easy reach of your child.
If you need some ideas, take a look around online. There is a wide range of possibilities for excellent books for a preschool homeschool. Look for some reviews from other homeschoolers, and select what you think you and your child would enjoy.
Get Yourself (And Your Child) A Library Card
Along these same lines, make sure you patronize your local library frequently! Get to know the librarian's name(s), and come regularly. Help your child select books, and check out some for yourself too, involving your child in the process whenever possible. It's never too early for a homeschooler to learn how to use the library system!
Libraries also sometimes offer special events (that are usually free!) in addition to regular programs for young children like story hour. It's a great way learn about new things, and sometimes, you might even get to meet new friends there too!
Make Learning The Basics Fun With Board Games
Young children can learn a lot through games. Some board games are obviously educational, but others are just plain fun; and even they can teach preschoolers a lot. In addition to the subject matter of the game, a child can learn things like how to take turns, basic counting, following the game rules, and depending on the game, number recognition and a bit of reading. Not bad for a "game!" You can find some really unique games in homeschooling supply catalogues and online, but regular "old" games like Connect Four, Candy Land, and Checkers are perfect too.
Manipulatives For Math And More
Manipulatives are most often associated with teaching math, but are really any model, block, tile, etc. that can assist a student in working out a problem regardless of the subject. In addition to the wide array of manipulatives available for exploring math, there are also science, and phonics manipulatives that can make learning new skills more "hands on" and, for certain learning styles, easier.
Manipulatives are a great resource for the introduction of these concepts in the preschool homeschool, and are available online or anywhere else where you might find homeschooling supplies.
As you continue on your homeschooling journey, you'll surely find other homeschooling supplies that you would describe as essential. Products are always changing, and of course, our children are always changing.
Each year homeschooling you will also gain a better idea of your child's learning style, and interests, as well as your own homeschooling philosophy. But, if you start off with these tried and true homeschooling supplies for the preschool homeschool, you and your child will definitely enjoy your very first year of homeschooling!
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