Tips For Evaluating Daycare Programs
Are you a parent who is thinking about sending your Brookline infant or toddler to a daycare program? If so, here are some tips for evaluating daycare programs in Brookline--whether it’s a preschool in Brookline, Brookline family daycare, or Brookline daycare center.
1. Choose a Licensed Facility.
An important consideration for many parents when choosing a preschool in Brookline, Brookline family daycare facility, or Brookline daycare center for their Brookline infant is whether it is licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. While licensing is not mandatory, it may give parents peace of mind knowing that the day care in Brookline they have chosen meets certain standards of quality.
2. Programs and Policies
Call the teacher or director of the Brookline daycare center or preschool in Brookline that you are interested in and ask about the focus of their program. Is it mostly free play or is there some organized curriculum such as practicing writing letters or their names, drawing pictures, or learning shapes and colors? Parents looking at day care in Brookline should also find out what the hours of operation are, when school holidays occur, and whether there is an after school program (if you need one).
3. Schedule a Visit
Prospective parents should schedule a day to visit the classroom and facilities of the Brookline preschool or Brookline daycare center they are considering. In addition to talking to the teacher and staff members, take a look at the physical premises. Is the building or home well maintained? Are the bathrooms, floors or carpets clean and the classroom area neat and tidy? Is the outdoor play area safe and secure? Does each child have a cubby or place for her personal belongings? If you have doubts, you might want to make a surprise unannounced visit.
4. Staff Members
Observe how the staff or childcare provider interact with the children. Does she seem fully engaged with the children? Is she warm and caring, taking a personal interest in each student? Does she have any teaching certifications or experience at another day care in Brookline? Consider how the provider’s style of interaction would fit with your child’s personality and needs.
5. Activities and Learning
Talk to the teacher and observe what educational materials are used. Find out if there is a set routine or if the curriculum scheduling is flexible. If there is an educational focus to the program, then classroom materials should be up to date and age appropriate.
If everything appears satisfactory, you may have found just the right facility for day care in Brookline for your child.
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